Terbelit-belit oleh “Belit Assessment”

26 Apr

One week from my early morning phone interview with Baker Hughes, there was a surprising email to my yahoo inbox. That i was eligible to continue to the next level and asked to immediately finished a business english test or (Belit). they gave me 4 days to know what the test was and also to complete them all.

The tests was consist of:

1. Grammar test 16 quetions (15 mins)

2. Listening test 15 questions (15 mins)

3. Reading test 26 questions (25 mins)

4. Speaking test 3 parts (7 mins)

Quite for sure, i can complete this one but i have to prepare all the important things first like headphone, microphone, maybe i need a quite and personal room while the speaking test occured, also the fast internet access. Absolutely i need a heeelp from Aming to find me the “test place”.. So here we go, Snapy.. we think the best place for internet access that facilitate with office suite room. Quite expensive service though, i need to pay 7500 rupiah for the first hour and additional 5000 rupiah for the next hours, however the tools i need were Headphone (check), mic (check), fast network (check). Next, what we think important is the sound and audio are working properly or not.

From Globalenglish Website www.corp.globalenglish.com, we can begin the test by input the username and password that they gave you (the candidat) through your email address that had sent before.

i was worried so much that we have to prepare the sound, the audio whatsoever first before the test, however they are actually facilitate it inside the belit assessment. After login up the website, we are eligible to test the sound ( do we hear the sound clearly or not), microphone test (do the recording functioned or not) and the internet network is strong or not. it spent time longer than i predicted….$$$$.

After checking all, i finally begin the first test: grammar test.. the difficulty of this test was level 5 ( toefl test was harder than this…), followed by a second test was listening, well i only successly finished 3 question.. and for the next question i didnt hear anything, the audio was totally dead, so i didnt get what the pictures was describe, what the men/women talked about,and i.. began frustrated. I tried to reopen the website, rechecked the sound, the network nothing wrong except for the the sound still terribly dead unfunctioned. I thought maybe it’s because the PC’s ram so it run slow. So i move to another warnet (warung internet) but nothing change… humm maybe the software installed uncompletely (in the beginning of the test they need us to installed the software first) still i cant make it worked.

The next day, i tried again and this time i just guess the answer of the listening test hahaha… just want to skip this level and headed to reading test. The reading test was not so difficult (again), it was consist of reading from article, newspaper, and sort of vocabulary in the article. 1 article is for 2-3 questions. And the last one was speaking test.. this time i did it in my home using only my small notebook and earphone. Speaking test consist of 3 parts. first part was reading 1 paragraph (about 150 words) and they record my voice to hear my english accent, pronounciation etc. The second part was question and answer test (dialog). They gave me 1 question and i have to answer it. Again, i failed because website’s audio access problem.

Thats all, my uncomplete Belit Assessment. i only finished grammar and reading test, the rest they screwed me up with their audio problems!. With a bit anger, i write a massage to baker hughes, told her the problem and asked the solution and asked whether i had another test.

And i hope my chance with BHI is not end here…. what a ridiculous…

8 Responses to “Terbelit-belit oleh “Belit Assessment””

  1. Sam November 10, 2011 at 4:08 am #

    Hi there,
    very useful blog indeed. I’m required to take the BELIT test, and I’m afraid of the things you’ve mentioned. Anyhow will try my best
    Please let me know if this is very difficult for an average non-native English speaker…. kinda IELTS or TOEFL? Please help

    • Ley May 1, 2012 at 8:55 am #

      Hi Sam, sorry for late replying but I bet it’s far way easier than islets test.. Good luck.

  2. Rio Irawan April 18, 2012 at 2:19 pm #

    Mbak Ledy, ini Rio dulu yang internship di VICO bareng si Robby juga…mbak ledy masih inget kan?

    mbak, aku kan juga ikutan interview via tlp, barusan aja tadi pagi 🙂
    trus dia bilang aku bakal dikasi online test kayak gini juga…
    nah kan yang dibagian speaking itu ada 3 parts
    1. membaca
    2. Q&A, nah yang ini Q&Anya ada berapa banyak?masih inget contoh pertanyaannya ga mbak?
    3. nah yang ketiga apa yaa?

    makasiiih atas bantuannya mbaaak ledy 😀

  3. andrew April 25, 2012 at 11:00 pm #

    hai mbak ledy,
    masih menunggu kabar dari BHI kah?
    beberapa hari yang lalu saya mendapat tes belit yang sama dari BHI,
    dan yang mungkin bikin penasaran,
    apa mereka punya standar nilai untuk tes ini ya mbak?

    • Ley May 1, 2012 at 8:58 am #

      Sudah ga lagi Mas… Saya sdh keburu Kerja ditmpt lain.. 🙂

      • andrew May 1, 2012 at 11:28 am #

        ooh gitu ya mbak 🙂
        tapi kemarin Belit nya lolos mbak?
        berapa lama ya mbak rentang dari Belit ke announcementnya?

        nuhun 😀

      • Ley May 2, 2012 at 1:20 pm #

        Lolos ko dipanggil bwt final test di jkt 2 hari, tp aku baru masuk Kerja jd ga dtg… Sayang sih.. Mengingat perjuangannya Dan penantian sekian lama …. Hahahahhaa lama 3 bulan Dari test belit menuju final test. Karena final test bias CUma sekali setahun. Oya Waktu itu final test Nya di bulan juli. Kalo Waktu itu ikut test nya bisa cerita byk di blog 🙂

  4. andrew May 2, 2012 at 1:35 pm #

    hmm gitu ya, iya sih, interviewernya kemarin bilang klo lulus belit, akan ada tes 2 hari di end of may atau june. hehe,
    selamat deh mbak di kerjaannya.
    kalo saya lulus tesnya, saya izin buat share pengalaman di blognya mbak ledy ya 🙂

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